Sunday, August 30, 2009

Don't Torture Your Women

What is wrong with men these days? The word gentlemen are no longer in their vocabulary! Just look at these pictures.

That's right let the woman carry the load while the man has a smoke

The woman can sleep outside, rain or shine while the man sleep comfortably in the tent.

Let the woman carry the heavier load.

Women kept in a cage?

The women has to swim and pull the raft to safety

The woman has to row

The woman carry the goods while the man stroll along under his umbrella


  1. haha, its the man society lol. They really gone too far.

    Clicked ur nuffang ads:)

  2. HAHA :D i agree with Kelvin on this one :D

    Bu the way, i have linked back to your blog in my blogroll :) this is a verry nice blog!!


    Visit !

  4. I think that most of these were probably just setup for a gag. I mean really, a guy sleeping in a tent next to his bike?


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